

Single glazed wall partitions


The Slimline single glazed wall partitions have great sound insulation features. Perfectly suitable for offices where privacy and quiet areas are desirable.

Facts about the Slimline single glazed wall partitions:

  • Track work with a height of just 1 3/16 inches [1-1/4”]
  • Sound insulation: STC = 36dB
  • Glass-to-glass connection.
  • Fully demountable and relocatable. 

The Verwol Slimline can be combined with the Verwol door systems.


Slimline cv single grafiek geluid

1 3/16 inches [1 - 1/4'']
sound insulating flush joint
Max. geluidsisolatie
STC = 36dB up to 39dB

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opmeerDe Veken 21
1716 KE Opmeer
T: +31-(0)226 - 363636

delftKleveringweg 20
2616 LZ Delft
T: +31-(0)15-2153700